Meditate, cook, clean, repeat.
What can you actually do at home, besides saving lives.

2020 is not the year that we hoped for. Our generation is approaching a very difficult time: pandemic. I will not write about Covid19: how to protect ourselves, how many cases there are and so on.

We all know these information very well and we all overcame the denial phase.

Now, we have to be responsible and apply the so called “social distance“. This will help slowing down the spread of the virus, but it comes with a very high price: being a prisoner in your own house. These circumstances will hit your mental health and put you in emotional distress. You actually feel already a bit of anxiety knocking at your head’s door. DON’T PANIC (and carry a towel).

What can you actually do to distract yourself?

Here are some options I came up with.


The first thing to do, to address fear, is to face it with a “poker face” or, even better, with a smile. Meditation helps keeping our mental health at a stable level or, if I can be more straightforward, it prevents from losing your s**t.

You don’t need to follow a particularly YouTube video
or learn how to meditate, if you don’t feel comfortable to. You just need to breath.

How do you do that?

Fair question.

Close your eyes and inhale. Focus your attention on the air passing through your nose and count to 4. Then, exhale through your mouth keeping your attention on the air movement. Repeat until you see Siddhartha waving to you.


I don’t need a science article to tell you that cooking relief stress…

Do you?

This is the time to experiment: do that recipe that you always wanted to try, use your relatives, your lover or your pet as guinea pigs, and…

Make them pay because they stole your last chocolate bar…

However, do not poison anyone; instead, follow unlimited recipes from all over the world.


Tidy house, tidy mind. You cannot justify yourself anymore. When was the last time you deep cleaned the kitchen? Fridge and oven, are they sparkling already? Maybe you can go through all those boxes in the cellar: do you really need all those Christmas decorations? What about those books from primary school?

Oh, look, you found old pictures of your family.

You are welcome.

Check the pictures in your phone

I looked at the number of pictures in my gallery. I couldn’t believe it: 4671. All of them in just one year.

Time to organize them or delete them.

Why not even print them out and create a nice wall with all your beloved friends’ faces, together with all those pictures you previously found in the cellar.

Make a playlist

Music is nice. Everybody likes it.

You are lying, if you say you don’t.

Make your own special quarantine playlist and share it with your friends or, even, make it with them. Here you can take some inspiration:

COVID-19 Quarantine Party
Corona Virus Quarantine Playlist
Coronavirus Home Party

Explore your artistic side

Art helps managing stress. Draw. Paint. Take weird pictures. Try a new makeup.

Yes, even you guys.

Find a DIY project. Write. Play. Read. Crochet an adorable Coronavirus plushie. Too far? Have fun exploring the right side of your brain.


Doing it at home, is not practical. It’s not practical doing it at all (Just my opinion). But, well, it keeps your mind and body clear and active. Spend half hour following a tutorial, dancing through your freshly made quarantine playlist, or walking around your garden, balcony or dining table…

You got the idea.

Open the windows

Vitamin D is a thing. Sun makes you feel good about everything. Especially if you don’t have a garden or a balcony, open your windows and get some sun sitting on your chair or even laying down on a beach towel with your sunglasses. Enjoy those rare sunbeams touching your skin. If you despise sunlight, open your window when cloudy or rainy and…

Don’t forget to bring your umbrella into the experience.

Make remote plans

Have a tea at 5 o’clock. A cocktail at 6 and a dinner at 7. Start a party at 9 and…

Don’t forget to invite friends.

We are lucky to have Duo, WhatsApp, Hangouts, Skype (yes, it is still working) and we can have video calls with many people. Let’s use them to stay in contact with our families and friends; let’s keep having fun despite the isolation.

Take advantage of Social Media

Be like a butterfly and lay your thumb only on kittens and baby videos, or whatever makes you happy.

Challenge yourself and others to:

Make a TikTok account, and… just laugh.

Be a good citizen

These are difficult times for everybody. We have to change our routines and make a lot of sacrifices. Most of us are already struggling. This is the moment where the human race has a chance to show the pinnacle of civilization. Egoism will not bring this pandemic to an end; only unity and respect for each other can lead this situation to a positive conclusion.


Alessia Sorbo