Chiara Ferragni: Entrepreneur, Woman, Human

Chiara Ferragni invented a new business. She managed to transform her hobby in her job. How many of us can brag about it? Not many. I just watched her documentary and it was impossible to hold in my emotions. Chiara Unposted tells the story of an incredible business woman. A woman that wasn’t taken seriously and sometimes even obstructed on her way. We can easily say that she got out of her comfort zone. Something that is very difficult in this times, because society has needs and wants productivity, talent, and let’s be honest… Society is like a snob. Nothing will ever be enough.

The documentary provides some good insights on the importance of Family, the support of people and love.

People started showing love for her authenticity. She managed to create a family via “the power of sharing”. How sharing love, good and, especially, bad experiences can help others keep going on. A positive aspect of social media that is not used enough yet.
The power of love is real, even if it sounds sort of fake. She likes to show her life to the world, to give advice, to document her everyday routine. She managed to start and grow an important business; because love made her confidence grow too.
She started to understand her value, and that brought her so much satisfaction, dreams coming true and yes also happiness. But it wasn’t easy.

“Many times I didn’t feel happy at all or maybe I felt half happy.
I had two souls.
A soul would say:
-What you are doing is right. […] You have to trust your instinct.-
And the other soul would say:
-No, you are not enough […]-.”

Why are there so many “haters”?

She comes from a rich family. Her ex helped starting her blog. She is naturally beautiful. She doesn’t have a real job. She shows off her money.
I guess the insults never end. You can just read down the comments on her Instagram.

Words are full of power, and nowadays everyone can use this power, thanks to social media. Some people manage to go on, to be themselves even if the “haters” are flooding on their profiles and blogs. The more a person gets famous and rich, by working as an influencer, the more hate grows. So many people hide their unhappiness and envy behind mean words.

Feeling inspired

I wish more Chiara for the world. I wish people could follow their dreams without feeling guilty. Have success without fear. Believe that sacrifice will pay off. I wish that for me too. Just do what you like (warning: robbery and murder are not part of it), and keep being yourself, believe in yourself.

Don’t be afraid to be happy.

“When things go very well sometimes you are scared. Many times you are afraid of happiness, because you are afraid not to deserve it compared to others, or you are afraid that something negative will happen and take it away from you. But it’s so important to learn how to enjoy that happy moment.”

Alessia Sorbo