Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

I recently watched the new Quentin Tarantino’s movie and I couldn’t resist to write about it.

I think this time he, finally, managed to let us “admire” the feet of all the beautiful actresses in his movie.


However, every shot in this movie is perfect and accurate.

The long driving scenes, with jumps from framing to framing, with the perfect change of music. They are not boring for a passionate about film techniques and language (my boyfriend would probably tell another story).

I loved also the long takes during the shooting in the saloon. Tarantino pays again tribute to the western genre and its historical actors through the comical characters played by Brad Pitt and Leonardo Dicaprio. I think lot of you would agree when I say that was a very good casting choice. Also, my teenage dream was, finally, fulfilled.

Anyways, let’s move to the story.

There are two story-lines: the Manson Family and Sharon Tate, plus Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth.

Charlie Manson

I have to say, the moment I knew the plot of his new movie, I feared Tarantino will show us what happened in Cielo Drive in 1969. That bloody night, five people lost their life for no reason; six, if we count the never born baby. I appreciate that the director chose not to focus on the story of the Manson Family. I don’t really understand why he showed us, even for few seconds, the character of Manson during the movie.

I guess he had his motivations

Manson was a manipulator, egocentric and narcissist monster. He is actually obtaining all that he wanted. He is an icon. He will be forever famous.

Thank you

The movie has only one purpose:

To save Sharon Tate

I consider her the main character. Everything orbits around her and her death in Cielo drive.
The sole reason to have Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth in the movie is to save her. They are the heroes that happened to be there the same night the assassins were sent from Charlie Manson.
The movie has such a good distracting plot that you just wait till the end to understand which is the meaning of those two ridiculous characters. Suddenly,

the truth punches you in the stomach

Like Inglorious Basterds did:
The Nazis die, Hitler dies. An happy, bloody, ending.

Here we are again. The assassins get butchered, while our Sharon gets her deserved happiness. She lives, she gets her baby and who knows what else would have happened.

So, thank you Quentin.
Thank you for saving her.

Alessia Sorbo