The Meat returns

For almost a year I succeeded on being a vegetarian.

That means, I didn’t eat anything with eyes;
basically no fish and no meat.

However, I decided to stop for a while.

Why I decided to be vegetarian?

Animals are cute, and for sure they don’t deserve to die brutally.
On the other hand, they taste damn good. Just think about Italian dishes with meat: Bolognese, vitello tonnato, Lasagne… Are you drooling? I am.
My motivation to be vegetarian wasn’t the killing of animals, but the impact of the meat industry on the environment.
I just wanted to do my small part in helping Earth healing, since recycling didn’t seem to be enough.
I will not enter into the details, but you can start on the topic by reading this article from The Guardian or watching this amazing video from Kurzgesagt.

Why I went back to meat?

I didn’t stop to care for the environment, I actually feel bad for this decision, but I needed a break to get some easy proteins.
Lately, I struggled indeed to control the amount of protein in my diet.
As it is desirable in a vegetarian/vegan diet, I usually got my proteins by balancing different vegetable families and beans.
Lately, I’m not having much time to cook, or much time in general; this situation generally leads to and unbalanced diet.
Given this situation, it seemed a good solution going back to meat.

Will I consider a vegetarian diet again?

I actually want to go back to it. This is just a break.
I don’t know if it is going to be long or short.
However, my desire to be vegetarian will never end.
In my mind it is the best help I can give to the world.

Hopefully, I will write about my efforts to be a “earth’s friend” in my future articles.

Alessia Sorbo