How to treat a barista

Everybody once or twice a week (or in life) goes to take a coffee.
Let’s be clear: to be served is nice, but some people forget that a human being is providing you a service.

Yes, you pay money for that, but how much from that amount goes to the workers?

So I came up with some advice on how to be nice with service workers.

First of all, they have to greet you. They have to.

It’s nice to get a greet back

I guess, you don’t like when you say hello to your acquaintances and they don’t answer back. You would feel lonely and embarrassed. It’s one of the worst feelings ever.

They also have to smile for 8-9 hours straight. Even the best smile fades away after such a long time.

It is nice to have a smile back

If you are having a bad day, it doesn’t mean others should have it too.

Nowadays the cafes we attend are famous chains.
During rush hours, having time to clean is nearly impossible, since lines continue out of the front door.
For this, most cafes have bins where you can tide up after yourself, helping the workers provide a good service.

Please, use the bins.

They are not there as a decoration, also in the restroom. Remember that you are not sitting in a fancy restaurant.
“Tide after yourself” should be the 8th commandment.
Everybody would be happier if people tide up after themselves; the planet would be happier too.

Let’s try to do out best, starting with our morning cup of coffee.

Generally speaking

Treat your barista nicely

Be sure that her/his day is not ruined because you were rude or “forgot to take your pills in the morning”.

Don’t forget they are handling something you are going to swallow.

If you know what I mean..

Alessia Sorbo