Is your boyfriend annoying or caring?

There is a moment in life where everybody gets stuck. If you don’t, congrats, you won against life. However my sticking period is lasting one year and is continuing.


Lack of confidence, doubts, laziness, and doubts again. But this year I got a boyfriend. He didn’t arrive in a package in front of my door, but HE found me or most correctly HE found my soul (dramatic music).

I didn’t know love, what it was, how to feel it, etc., but I discovered it with him.

He is nice looking, he is so confident while talking and, maybe, he is talking too much. I met him when he was hating himself and it seems like I helped him to find out how awesome he really is.

In my defense, it wasn’t such a big deal. However he wants to return the “favor”. He wants me to find a purpose. So he annoys me, every one or two days, to do something: to start writing, to be creative, bla bla bla. He is so cute while doing it.

We know each other more than one year and he is still trying to understand me. I think this is the real love.

I am lazy, and empty maybe (dramatic music).
Damn it, I am so lucky.

In your face life!

So he is annoying me.


He is trying to instill his passions in me. It is not really working, since we are like the day and the night: he is a scientist and I am an artist, or something like that.

However, he succeeded convincing me to open a blog.
Let’s be clear: he is handling it, I am just “writing about things“.

So here we are

I am going to write, maybe once a week, about all the things that come into my mind. Still not sure if I am going to do it of my own free will, or thanks to my annoying boyfriend, but I guess it is a good start to fill up some soul holes (dramatic music).

Alessia Sorbo